Author: cumberland

October ENews

In another significant step forward, the Golf Course Enabling Works tender documents have been released and we will now go through a selection process to appoint a preferred Contractor. In the meantime, our Development Application is still under assessment by the Department of Planning. Our temporary greens are now being mown and top-dressed. Once they’re in use we anticipate there will be minimal disruption to players who will continue to play on an 18 hole quality course.DIGGERS DAY Diggers Day this year will be held on Saturday 9th November. It’s not too early to start thinking about participating in this great yearly event where we raise money for Legacy who support the families of our Service Men and Women. All categories of membership are eligible to play on the day. We are still looking for extra volunteers to work on the BBQ and then join us as a guest for the memorial dinner afterwards. If you can help, please speak with someone in the office or to one of our Directors.

is being installed in the member’s lounge for your convenience. To save time and to take some of the pressure of bar staff during booking in and when serving multiple patrons at the bar.

BEER INCREASE. Here we go again !! Last month the breweries increased the cost of their bulk beer and freight charges and unfortunately, we have to pass the increases on. Back in March we were forced to increase prices by 50cents but this time we’ve been able to keep it to a 20cent increase. The new prices will come into effect 21st October

We will be making the transition from Micropower to MiClub early next month following staff training and software adjustments. Management will issue a special newsletter with more details and MiClub staff will be on site to help members adapt to the new system. We expect this to be a seamless process with no need for concerns.

The Board has changed the title of our General Manager Andrew Laplain to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to comply with the requirements of Section 32(1) of the Registered Clubs Act.

We have been informed that COL GRANGER is very ill and currently in Westmead Hospital. Col and his wife Helen have been stalwarts of the club for many years. Col participated in many committees of the club and was a prominent official referee for Pennants and other tournaments held at the club over 40 years. Our thoughts and prayers are with Col, Helen and the Granger family.

Personally, I’d like to thank the many members who have reached out to me with well wishes and words of encouragement as I fight prostate cancer. It’s nice to know nice people.
My prognosis is very good thanks to early intervention. I’ve now survived a bowel tumor, six skin melanomas and will beat this latest challenge, all because of early detection. I hope that by putting my situation out there it will encourage others, both male and female, to get regular health checks because these days there’s not much they can’t treat if detected early. Denis Clifford (Club President)

Denis Clifford
Club President
  • Captains Report

Well October has arrived and that means the Club Championships. With the course in excellent condition and the weather staring to warm up, there is an expectation that this year’s Club Champs will be hotly contested in all grades this year.

The match committee have decided to make a change to this year’s playing conditions. There will only be one cut made this year and that will be after the 2nd round is completed. In the past we have made an additional cut after the 3rd round. This decision was made to give more players an opportunity to maybe improve your position in the field and perhaps take home that allusive Club Champion Trophy.

With the club champs fast approaching we again need to be mindful of other members on the course. ‘Slow Play’ is something we all dislike so can ask that all members and their playing groups keep up with the group in front. An issue we have of late is members cancelling within the prescribed cancellation time of 2 hours prior to your tee time. We understand that some members maybe unwell in the morning but, those who are just lazy when cancelling isn’t being fair on those members that may have missed out on a game and are looking for a cancelled spot on the time sheet.

Pennants; Our Junior Pennants team has been selected and will be commencing their season on Sunday 13th Oct. This year’s team will be managed by Josh Russo. Thank you to Josh for taking on the role and I’m certain the entire team are really excited that Josh has taken on this role. Darren Stocks
Club Captain

Spring has sprung and what a start to spring it has been. The course has welcomed the warm weather and
is responding well as have the greens following the recent renovations. The wild winds at the end of August truly played havoc with course maintenance as regrettable as it is, some things are truly out of our control.Divots and lobs marks on the green remain constant, which is disappointing as it mostly the result of members play not social players.

Recently I had the privilege of a social round mid-week, and for all those who say social players do the damage, sadly you’re mistaken as no social players were on the course and the bunkers were riddled with footmarks and most greens had 6 or more unrepaired lob marks. It’s your course, please show it some respect and love by raking bunkers and fixing divots and lob marks.

Cumberland CGC was one of the first clubs in NSW to adopt sand buckets to fill in divots. The filling of divots has many benefits to our course as well as the playing surface. An important part of golf etiquette and as a member you can assist by filling in divots and maintaining our course’s great condition. Not filling in your divot will cause inconsistent areas of play and unhealthy turf from uneven cuts with the mowers and adds time to the repair process.
Here are some interesting facts:
• A ball mark repaired within 10 minutes will heal with a smooth surface within two – three days, left unrepaired it will take three weeks and leave an uneven surface.
• A repaired divot will commence the repair process within 24 hours, left unrepaired will take months.

• Freshwater dam on the 12th is at 80% capacity. The 2nd dams are at 50% capacity, while the 5th dam is at 80% capacity.
• Treatments are ongoing on all dams to reduce surface algae; the 9th is showing signs of the success of this program.
• September’s weather, 41 mm of rain received during the month.
• Green’s renovations were completed on time and without incident and the greens are recovering well.
• The turfed area on the left hand side of 3, has taken well, this area is progressively coming back into play.
• The battery-operated Jacobson Greens mover have been in operation a few months now and doing great work.

Lastly, I’d like to thank our superintendent and his team for providing and presenting a great course day in day out, week in week out.

Martin Smith
Vice Captain and Chair of the Greens Committee

Martin Smith
Vice Captain and Chair of the Greens Committee
Hello all, this month we held another Open Day being our Cancer Awareness
Fundraising Event. The cancer of choice to support this year was Blood Cancers. It was great to see all the ladies dressed in red to support the cause. It is also good to see our Open Days being supported by visitors from other clubs. Following the successful day, on behalf of the ladies we made a donation of $1,000 to the Leukemia Foundation. As always, I thank you all for your generosity.The Ladies Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday October 22 following the completion of golf and the presentation that day. After two years as the Ladies President I have decided to stand down. I have enjoyed my time in the role and I would like to thank my fellow committee members and all the ladies for all the help and support I have received during this time.

Judy Attwood
(Ladies President)

Ladies Captain Report

September was a fantastic month of golf for our ladies, capped off with
our Silver and Bronze Salvers and Bronze Plate event.
With over 90 players, one of the strongest fields we’ve had, our Divisional winners were very worthy champions. The Silver Salver was won by Eun Park who finished comfortably ahead of her rivals with a fantastic 86 scratch. Su Yeon Kwak also claimed Division 2 victory with a 5 shot lead, while in Division 3, In-Sook Kim edged in to take the Bronze Plate – on a countback! Congratulations and great work ladies!!
In-Sook Kim (Bronze Plate); Eun Park (Silver Salver); Su Yeon Kwak (Bronze Salverck! Congratulations and great work ladies!!
The Salver prepared us for round one of our Ladies Singles club
championship events which commenced this week and there are plenty of players keen and in contention. Several past champions are already circling and hoping for another chance to raise the silverware, it will be very interesting to see how the field develops over the next couple of weeks! Congratulations to our ladies who were (I’m told!), the better half, of the Mixed Foursomes Champions. Eunmi Pyun (Div 1 with Ambrosio Park) and Jina Lee (Div 2 with Kevin Hyeong Park), well done ladies (and gents!). The Mixed Foursomes is a truly fantastic event which should be included in everyone’s September calendar! Over the past 3 years I’ve had the privilege of representing Cumberland and our players as the Ladies Captain. It has been a wonderful journey but like all good things, this is now coming to an end. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Ladies Committee, our ever-ready volunteers, Matt Turner and his Greens staff, and our Management and Board for their confidence and assistance throughout my tenure. Finally, best wishes and good luck to all competitors throughout the next few weeks of club championships!Kate Stuart
Ladies Captain

For any of your golfing needs call into the Pro Shop and talk to our friendly staff. Joanne, Matthew, Myo, Arthur, Luke, Alex and the Juniors
We’d like to thank our sponsors for their ongoing support.

Pennant News


Junior Pennants – Rd 1 V Pennant Hills
The Cumberland Junior Pennant team kicked off their 2024 season with a thrilling match against Pennant Hills at Roseville.
Despite the inevitable first-tee nerves, the team emerged victorious, winning 4 matches to 2.
Roseville is a relatively tight course with many blind tee shots and sharp doglegs, so course familiarity was at a premium and accurate driving an absolute must.
What began as a calm day became blustery later on, making for some difficult approach shots into the undulating green complexes. Nevertheless, some brilliant golf was on display.
All matches were tightly contested for most of the day, with three matches going all the way to the 18th. Among those going to 18 was Edwin, who staged a remarkable comeback, winning on the 18th after being 4 down with 5 to play.
Making this feat even more extraordinary was the fact that, due to handicap regulations, Edwin was forced to play off a handicap 10 shots less than he normally would.
Also playing through to the 18th was Harry, making a very classy sand-save from the difficult greenside bunker to close out his match in style.
Riley faced a seemingly insurmountable task when, at one stage, his opponent incredibly managed to make five birdies in a row, but he persevered, refusing to give in, ultimately winning his match 4&3.
Roger, the little man with the big heart, played his match with an amazing attitude. He refused to allow his opponent’s length to intimidate him, and he remained focused to the very end, smiling the entire way.
Shot of the day belonged to Angus on the 12th hole, the uphill 195m par 3, playing at about 210m into a strong breeze. Flushing a long iron, his ball landed in the middle of the green but unluckily took a hard bounce and finished on the upslope just off the back fringe. This left him with a very fast downhill shot back to the pin, and he did well to leave himself with a 12-foot putt for par, which he drained with ease to win the hole.
Gabriel played steady golf the entire day to secure an amazing 5&4 win in his first campaign in Junior Pennants. Both he and Edwin, who also performed exceptionally well, had only played in the Encourage Shield to date.
It was fantastic to see all matches played in good spirit, with players from both sides acknowledging their opponents’ outstanding shots.
I’d like to thank all of the supporters and spectators who came along, with special thanks to Matt Andrew for his guidance on my first rodeo as Team Manager.
All of the boys should be commended for the exemplary conduct they displayed throughout the day, representing Cumberland with pride.
Cumberland beat Pennant Hills 4-2.
Individual results were:
Riley won 4&3
Harry won 1up
Roger lost 3&1
Angus lost 2dn
Gabriel won 5&4
Edwin won 1up
Our next match will be played at Massey Park against Roseville this Sunday at 11:00 am.
I highly recommend that you come out to support the team if you’re able to, as your support and encouragement are invaluable.
Moreover, you’re guaranteed to witness some incredible golf!
Josh Russo,
Team Manager

Development Update – Construction of Temporary Greens

Dear Members,

I am happy to advise that the first construction works to facilitate the development are about to commence. As many of you are aware, we are embarking on an exciting journey to enhance our course and clubhouse, and I am thrilled to share an important update with you.

Construction of the temporary greens is set to commence on April 2nd. Once completed these greens will allow for uninterrupted 18 holes of play during the course enabling works.

These temporary greens will be located on the 2nd, 4th, 9th, and 18th holes and are indicated on the Map below.

During the construction phase and until the temporary greens are ready for play, it’s essential to note that the areas occupied by these temporary greens will be designated as compulsory ground under repair (GUR). This designation ensures the safety and fairness of play during this transitional period.

During construction of these greens, our spare Lake Johnson hole and temporary course ratings will be utilised. These adjustments are necessary to maintain the integrity and quality of your golfing experience throughout the development process.

We understand that these changes may bring some adjustments to your regular game, but we assure you that every effort is being made to minimise disruptions and ensure a seamless transition. Your patience and understanding during this time are greatly appreciated as we work towards creating an even better golfing environment for all our members.

Please stay tuned for further updates as construction progresses. Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for our club’s growth and improvement.

Martin Smith
Chairman of Greens

Development Update – Golf Course Enabling Works

Dear Members,

With the latest news, our development partner Partier are on the eve of lodging a Development Application for the Independent Living Units. I thought I should take some time to highlight the pending changes to our current 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 18th holes. These changes are displayed in the Clubhouse as well as in the body of this newsletter.

The back nine will commence on the existing 6th, there is no change to this hole. On completion of the hole, you will wander down to the new 11th hole, which is situated behind the new 14th.

The new 11th is the combination of part of the current 4th and 5th holes. It will traverse around the big gum which currently cohabitates with the fairway bunker on the existing 4th and then you will trek down to the area where the current 5th green is situated. The dam will be slightly enlarged, and the green side dam wall raised and beautified.

The cart path currently adjacent to the green will be removed to allow the green to flow into the dam. The path repositioned on the left of the green, will provide an access to the 12th (existing 2nd hole) which will remain as is but will have a small creek installed at the base of the gully heading up to the green. The creek in part is an architectural design feature but also to weatherproof the course in that area. As we all saw in the big wet of 2022, this area was impassable. On playing the hole, players will need to decide on the reward for risk aspect when approaching the shot into the green.

The 14th hole is utilising the first third of the existing 4th hole and has been designed with a small pond protecting the front left-hand side of the green. This pond will be the water source for the wee burn that will flow across the gully on our existing 2nd. The long hitters will question, reward for risk at 290 metres. There will be a number of ways to play this hole. The green will slope back to front and will have bunkering at the rear to catch any long shots.
The existing 9th will be shaped into two holes. The first a par 4 measuring 307 metres played from the existing 9th tees, the green will be guarded by strategically placed bunkers.

Utilising the remaining parts of the existing 9th hole, the new 18th will be across the enlarged dam, measuring 129 metres and protected by the dam and bunkers at the rear. The design incorporates a bail out zone located on the right for those not wanting to take on the water.

The clubhouse terrace will be situated between the 9th and 18th greens, so expect many an afternoon cheering as players challenge the 18th hole across the great expanse of water.

The new 9th will be played from the existing 18th tee and the new hole will play 449 metres. The existing 18th green will be relocated and new bunkers created.

The Par for the new course when opened will be 70 and will measure 5532 metres or 6050 yards. The course will see several dams enlarged, a new pond, new bunkers and 3 new USGA standard greens built. The course’s make up will be 3 x par 5’s, 10 x par 4’s, and 5 x par 3’s. The final design will be subject to approval under a Development Application.

In the first half of 2024, work will commence on the construction of the temporary greens required to ensure we have a full 18 hole golf course during the Course Enabling works.

Temporary Course Design in Three Stages

There will be some disruption to the course over the period of the enabling works, and all efforts will be undertaken to provide members an enjoyable experience while we transition to the new course.

Preparations are now underway to build the four (4) temporary greens so the enabling works can commence once the Development Application is approved.

Stage 1 – Par 71
A new temporary green is to be constructed on the 2nd fairway prior to the rise leading to the existing green, to enable the trenching of the wee burn. The hole will play as a Par 4. The construction of the wee burn is highlighted in green and blue.
Stage 2 – Par 68
A new temporary green is to be situated on 9th fairway prior to the dip, to enable the construction works to commence on Lake Johnson. The 18th will play as a par 5, the constructions zone is highlighted in colour.
Stage 3 – Par 64

New temporaries constructed on the 4th and 18th fairway, to enable the construction works on the existing 4th and 5th holes to be undertaken. The temporary on the 2nd to be reinstated and a par 3 to the existing 2nd green created. The 5th hole will play as a par 3, the shorten 6th hole will be played as a par 3. The 9th will play as a par 4 and on finishing the hole, players will walk across to the shorten 10th hole as indicated by the blue dotted line. The construction zone is highlighted in colour.

The Board wish to thank you for your patience and engagement as we watch the future of Cumberland Country Golf Club develop.

Martin Smith
Chairman of the Greens Committee
On behalf of the Board of Directors

Live Scoring App – Simple Golf Score

We are excited to advise, that after a period of successful testing the MSL Scoring App is now available for all members to use at no additional cost.

The Scoring App, known as Simple Golf Scoring can be downloaded from both Apple App Store and the Google Play Store at the links below.



Once downloaded members will have the ability to score thier partners and their own scores without the need for a physical scorecard.

A useful “How to” guide is available to members at the link below.

This Guide is also available in the Club News section on the Club Website.

If members have any questions about the Scoring App, please contact the Club Office.

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